The Giraffe Who Went to School

551 - The Giraffe Who Went to School | 1977 Printing
551 – The Giraffe Who Went to School | 1977 Printing
Wonder Book: Nummer 551
Titel: The Giraffe Who Went to School
Autor: Irma Wilde
Illustrator: Irma Wilde
Erste Auflage: 1951
Preisangabe: 59¢ (Auflage 1977)
Copyright: Copyright , 1951, by Wonder Books, Inc.
1107 Broadway, New York 10, New York
All Rights Reserved under International
and Pan-American Copyright Conventions
Published Simultaneously in Canada
Printed in the United States of America
Titellogo: keins
Letzte Innenseite
Letzte Innenseite